Take A Virtual Hike on the Star Lake Nature Trail

Star Lake Nature Trail Virtual Hike.jpg

Yesterday's bright blue skies, warm and inviting sun, and gentle breeze had us craving fresh air and some time outdoors.  This lead us to an exhilarating hike on the Star Lake Nature Trail.  From the moment we stepped foot on the trail, we felt as if we were in another world.  Don't worry, we took plenty of pictures so that you can join us for a virtual tour of this breathtaking trail.

A Glimpse into the Past

The trailhead's kiosk has some very interesting information for visitors to learn about the area and take a glimpse into the past.  After taking in all of the information, it set the tone for our hike and left us feeling like we were discovering history one step at a time.  It was a beautiful and magical feeling.  To think that the towering pines that were swaying overhead in the breeze were a part of this chapter in history was amazing.  There are many places to stop along the trail to read about the logging history, trees and the beautiful flora outlining the trail.

Entering a World of Wonder

It was definitely an early spring day in the Northwoods. With temperatures around 45 degrees and a warm sun, we ventured through the woods with only jeans, a light weight jacket, and boots - and were still warm enough!  As you can see, there's still a fair amount of snow on the ground.  The snow was soft, but the trail was packed enough that exploring with boots was just fine.  This made it easy to quickly navigate the trail.

Stand Still and Listen

We cannot begin to tell you how much this trek through the woods lifted our spirits and not only put our minds at ease, but also our bodies.  For a few minutes we stopped and looked up at the towering pines swaying in the breeze and just listened to the sounds of nature.  The treetops glistened and almost seemed to dance in the sunlight.   The only words to describe this feeling were magic and peace.

This stretch of the trail continues meandering along a hillside.  It's particularly beautiful because the hill has been left undisturbed as not a single foot track climbs it.

Snow Covered Boardwalks

As we continued to venture down the trail we came across a long tunnel through the woods, where the underbrush is thick and the treetops seem to arch over the trail.  Under the snow was a wooden boardwalk that lead us to the "Black Lagoon".  We won't give away the beautiful surprise at the end, but one thing is certain, if it's this beautiful with snow, we can only imagine how amazing it must be in all of summer's shades of green.

Magnificent Overlooks

Just when we thought the views on the Star Lake Nature Trail couldn't get any better, we came upon a water station and a bench that overlooked the western shore of Star Lake.  This was another point where we paused for a few minutes to take in the stunning views that were in front of us.  We stepped up to the edge of the lake, where you could see that the lakes edge was starting to melt away from the shore.  It was absolutely beautiful!  More information was available at this point for reading along with a map to help navigate around the remainder of the trail.

We continued hiking for another hour and a half.  It was an hour and a half well spent.  We've already decided that we will return to continue our hike this coming summer.  We hope you'll do the same!

To learn more about the Star Lake Nature Trail and all of the other beautiful trails you can enjoy throughout the year in Sayner-Star Lake, click here.


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